So much to say but I won't make it quick! - The Trees and The Wild

Huaaa~~ those spiders may have made their webs on this blog. Pardon me for my laziness to update recently, no of course it's not because of I am literally crazy, but it's due to ESA's Fair. I tell to you about it later. So, I stay at campus since 7 am, I mean it's crazy. I have no class until 1 pm, but I come so damn early only for doing my several assignments. And really thank God, they're just done. Since I have several minute left I decide to say hay again to you. It's quite rarely for me to blog in the morning yes? I mostly blog on Monday night, and oh shit it's Monday, right? Monday has kinda spell and atmosphere to make people even get crazier.
Anyway? How's your holiday? It keeps raining yeah? I feel wet everywhere and it feels hotter before rain. Suck sometimes. I have so minimum sleeping time in the previous holiday, of course because of ESA's Fair. I wake up and feel even tired than before I slept. However I do enjoy it, life should go on.
Oh I started being bombed by several UK and assignments and now I officially enter 6th semester's struggle *tie the headband*
So many things to share actually but I think it will cost much time of mine to write and for you to read, so then find the mid way. I'll share you one of them.
Sometimes I feel that this world can be so funny, so much funny and then can make you cry. It's funny how I found ridiculous facts about people around me, unpredictable about what people feel toward me, and it's so funny about how people change to be nice to you less than a week. I laughed so much last week.
In several weeks ago there is bunch of persons said that I'm a bad person, they said I'm rude, I'm arrogant, I'm a person handle malice toward everyone. Now they turn to be the opposite. It's funny when you see people- you found saying bad things about you, turn to act like they're your century friends. Haha
I think, why you just act like they way used to? Having a good relation with people you hate is not such a big deal, even you do not need to do that. Come on, don't lick me. Be natural. If you hate person, don't pretend that you like them like hell. What? You're talking about politeness and respect? I don't give a shit on that :) They just don't have politeness while they pretend to have one. Checkmate!
I'm adult and smart enough to differ that, don't worry.
No, I'm happy for they who are, sincerely or just acting, being nice on me. I do really appreciate that. That's so kind of you guys. Thanks :) I hope you guys know that glass which has broken and when you try to glue it, it won't be as perfect as the new one.
Well, I don't wanna make you sleepy in this gloomy afternoon, so I yarn you again on the next post.
This is the hint about ESA's Fair 2014! Get ready!

Kisses and Hugs - Anggra
