20 Facts of Mine

Don't you think that this rainy season get worse day by day? *toss*
I dreadfully still have a cough but it's already less horrible.
But okay, let's have a little fun here. Since there are people make 20 facts about them on any socmeds, then I also want to make one.
Here we go~

1.    If there's a word can precisely represent me, then it's going to be "weird" or sometimes "quirky" can be used too. I don't know how to explain it, but heap of people say so. So, I think yes I am.
2.     I'm into indie music so damn much, if you ask me what are the most up to date musics on billboard, then I can't answer it, but if you ask me about any indie musics either local, western, or asian, I try my best to answer it. Ah and my most of the most is Payung Teduh
3.     I'm mad of fashion and I have sucha weird taste of it which leads bunch of people stare at me when I walk in front of them. And I always hate those people ways of looking at me. Yes I know how weird I am, so please b*tch stop it J
4.  I love twilight and train so much. It's an heaven-alike atmosphere if I can see the combination of those two things at the same time in a certain place.
5.    For me, cat is the most disgusting creature in this world. Its eyes, its voice, its fur are just so yucks.
6.    Sylvia Plath is my favorite poet and I get lost of her mega badass poems. But easy~ that I will never suicide by bombing my head in the oven, and oh well by any way I will never follow her suicide. My favorite quote of her is “I like people too much or not at all.” It’s simply just so me.
7.     Anything smells and feels creepy always get my attention. I can feel them that you are not able to see. Believe it or not.
8.      I only have couple of best friends, literally. Like less than 10.
9.    I'm dyslexic and skeptic. I have difficulties in pronouncing sentences and I switch words position often. Ah and my level of skeptic could kill a Tyrex.
10. I blog quite alot since sometimes I think when I have no one to go, to share with, or pathetically I no want to listen any not-helping suggestions, then I’ll go blogging, write anything I want and let you who maybe I don’t know either to know it. For me it’s really better than getting even best solutions. Ups.
11.  I’m so dumb in any relationship involving deep feeling since what I had done for 7 years is getting stuck in my first love in junior high school.
12. You know the fact no.11 and sometimes I wonder why some friends still go to me to get advises. Anyhow I always try my best to give them some.
13. I love being alone anywhere, like going out for having meals, watching movies, going to bookstore, supermarket. But I tell you that it doesn’t mean I no need to have a chill wif besties, I do it sometimes.
14.  I value respect and politeness. So I don’t like get pinched and I dislike pinch others as well.
15.  I have a tarantula as my pet, and I consider him (his name is Jojo and it’s a male tarantula) as the sexiest animal alive.
16. Sate ayam is undoubtedly my another delight. I don’t know how it can be so damn delicious, why why oh why?
17.  My deepest dream is that working in fashion worlds, that’s it.
18.  I hate when seeing my own self speaking in English. I say it’s disgusting while people say it’s a good accent.
19.  I love do quote-walking and blog walking which is mostly covering fashion (again).
 20.  I’m nocturnal, that’s why I write this post at midnight.

So, here they are my facts. It will never end up if we try to figure out facts of ourselves, even it gets more each time we wake up.

These pictures taken after having my presentation. So, you know why I dress up properly this time
All taken by Anis Kumalasari

Good night, people!
Have a mega awesome weekend

Kisses and Hugs - Anggra
