Birthday Week. Hell yeah!

Hai, hay, hello. Been thinking about the coolest word to say hay to you guys. Okay well, forget it. I didn't plan to make a post actually, since I'm still in a busy week due to heap of final papers which drive me crazy so well lah. But I need to refresh my mind so lemme type several sentences okay?
The end of May and early June are so hectic session, I mean I have 3 besties celebrating birthdays. I have to look for gifts and prepare surprises for them. It was really fun. Haha. So here they are the pictures...

Eomma's birthday brownies by SoBrown (< click to order). Super and delicious

Me, Amme and Eonni when we gave surprise for Eomma

 2nd June, when Me, Eomma and Manda gave surprise for Eonni and Amme

Their birthdays are so closed, I mean the date. Eonni 31 March and Amme 2 June


Happy birthday oh my beloved besties. May all happiness, lucks stay with you always. Barakallah ya *wet kisses*

Kisses and Hugs - Anggra
